Plants vs. Zombies Heroes

下载 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes IPA v1.8.60 为 iPhone iOS

应用名称 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes
最新版本 v1.8.60
类型 Arcade
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《植物大战僵尸:英雄》带来了植物与僵尸之间激动人心的对决,现在可以在iOS设备上玩。玩家可以选择阵营,踏上冒险之旅,跨越各种战场,与对手对抗,同时解锁新的英雄,每个英雄都有独特的技能。游戏中有超过20位多样化的英雄,玩家可以组建一支强大的队伍来捍卫自己的领土。与朋友进行多人对战,决定在这场充满活力的冲突中哪一方会胜出。该游戏专为iPhone、iPad和iPod touch设计,邀请你沉浸在策略与乐趣的世界中。

下载 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes IPA 为 iOS

– increase of each exclusive set for 3 cards;
– accelerate the selection of players of a similar rating for a multiplayer game;
– Preview maps in sets before buying;
– Ability to rename decks;
– Improved opening of sets;
– the ability to recycle all additional cards from the deck with a single click;
– marking decks with new available maps while viewing the collection;
– other improvements in the gameplay for the plague battles.

下载 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes v1.8.60
60.44 Mb
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