Super Mario Run

下载 Super Mario Run IPA v2.0.0 为 iPhone iOS

应用名称 Super Mario Run
最新版本 v2.0.0
类型 Arcade
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《超级马里奥跑酷》是一款引人入胜的iOS平台游戏,邀请玩家与深受喜爱的水管工马里奥一起踏上冒险之旅。在这款激动人心的新版本游戏中,玩家需要应对挑战、解决难题并创造自己的王国。随着马里奥在六个独特的世界中奔跑跳跃,玩家必须击败各种敌人,同时试图拯救被囚禁的公主。旅程中包括穿越迷人的风景和充满可怕怪物的阴森地下城。游戏共有24个关卡供玩家征服,同时玩家还可以收集扩展自己辉煌王国所需的重要资源。这款游戏兼容iPhone、iPad和iPod touch,保证为各个年龄段的玩家提供充满乐趣的体验。

下载 Super Mario Run IPA 为 iOS

21.12.16 – New game characters added!
Now you can join yoshi of four different colors! Play the Rally with toads from the yosha of a certain color to get more tones of this color.

– Now you can play for free!
– Now you can play Test from Bowser! If you pass it, you can unlock the world 1-4! In this world, you will be waiting for Bowser!
Note. Touch 1-4 to get more information about the Bowser Trial!

If you go through the world 1-4 …
– You will be able to play at new levels in the Rally mode with the toads. At new levels, you will be supported by blue and green toads.
– Collect blue and green toads to unlock in the Store new facilities. From the buildings you can choose the house of blue yoshi, thanks to which to your adventures a new character can join the blue yoshi.

– New facilities will be added!
Within the framework of the upcoming action, new facilities will be added!

– Get tickets to the rally in the bonus game house became easier!
Rally tickets can be used to play the Rally with the toads.

– Now you can select a simple mode before the start of the level!
Now you can go through complex levels in a simple mode with unlimited bubbles and time.

– Now the toads of different colors appear more often in the Rally with the toads.
– You can collect a lot of toads to unlock new buildings.

– The explanations in the section “How to play” have now become more understandable.
The “How to Play” training, which can be viewed at the first start or with the option in the lower right corner of the World Tour screen, has now become more understandable. If you want to learn more about special Mario receptions, pink coins and other Super Mario Run games, see the “How to play” section.

– It became easier to play in the game.
– Changed the number of tickets for the rally, which can be obtained with the block “?”.
– Changed the requirements for unlocking certain facilities in the Store

下载 Super Mario Run v2.0.0
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