War of the Zombie

다운로드 War of the Zombie IPA v1.2.971 용 iPhone iOS

앱 이름War of the Zombie
최신 버전v1.2.971
에서 받기App Store
다운로드 War of the Zombie IPA 용 iOS

05/23/17 – Black Sea Ark of the movement to fix the destination
– Orbital apparatus Nano impulses (eliminates 1000e zombies in the mission) Added to the black market
– Now every destination Ark has the name of an easy link movement
– RFT-S3 flamethrower added to the black market
The RPG category is automatically available if the training mission is completed
– A confirmation to pop out now always appears when the next day the game of the button you pressed
– C4 satchels have increased the radius of damage
– Brazilian Portuguese is completed in the text of the game
– Minor bug fixes and improvements

다운로드 War of the Zombie v1.2.971
83.23 Mb
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